Monday, March 24, 2008

DC Gay, Lesbian, Bi Students 10 Times More Likely to Have Used Meth

Gay, lesbian, and bisexual students in DC public schools are 10 times more likely to have tried crystal meth than their peers, according to a new fact sheet released by DC Public Schools. 23.5% of self identified GLB identifiedstudents have used meth compared to 2.48% of heterosexual students. The fact sheet, available on the DCPS website, documents widespread and significant health disparities faced by Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual (GLB) high school students. Information about transgender students was not collected in this survey.

The data comes from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), conducted every two years by DC Public Schools in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2007 marked the first year that the local version of the survey asked questions about GLB identity. Questions about sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression have been included in YRBS surveys in more than a dozen states.

The DC fact sheet does not explain what accounts for the numerous health disparities including crystal meth use, but is likely in part related to a school climate that can be hostile and unsafe. An analysis of similar data collected in Massachusetts found that "at-school victimization" is associated with differences in health risk behaviors. (Bontempo DE, D'Augelli AR. Effects of at-school victimization and sexual orientation on lesbian, gay, or bisexual youths' health risk behavior. J Adolesc Health. 2002 May;30(5):364-74.) GLB students in DC Public Schools reported similar concerns about safety:

* 26.3 percent of GLB identified students in DC Public Schools report that they have stayed home from school one or more days in the past month because they felt unsafe in school or on their way to school.

* 30.6% of GLB identified students were bullied at least once on school property in the last year.

More information about the survey is available on The DC Center Website.


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